
Blessing for a Newborn Baby

In every birth, blessed is the wonder.
In every creation, blessed is the new beginning.
In every child, blessed is life.
In every hope, blessed are the possibilities.

Every child born into this world is something new, something never before, original and unique. Newly born, __________, you are called to fulfill your place on this earth.

This family was a complete family before you arrived; now, somehow they are more complete.

They shall do their best to teach you; it will be up to you to learn.

They shall try to guide you in right directions; it will be up to you to make right decisions.

They shall love you to the best of their abilities, honoring your gifts and needs; it will be up to you to love yourself fiercely and without apology, sharing that love in ways that make the lives of others, and the way of the world, better.

Brother/sister _________, do you promise with all your heart to love her and help her grow up to be strong and smart?

(Parent #1)* ________, do you promise with all your heart to love her and protect her, to notice her strengths and give your gifts that her strengths may grow and when it’s time, to let her go?

(Parent #2)* _________, do you promise with all your heart to see the brilliance that is in her, to hold her when she needs holding, showing her the path and letting her walk it on her own, but never alone?

Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you

(these last lines borrowed from the Iona Community)

* of course, if there is one parent, these lines can be combined as the person giving the blessing is so moved!!!