Standing on the Side of Love

Sign of the Times: Signs of the March

Bayard Rustin

Here is my photo montage of the March on Washington, 2013.  It is wholly subjective and in no way definitive, reflecting the messages that caught my eye and stayed long enough for me to take a pic of.  In fact, my favorite — Dr. King’s profile and the words, “No More Deportations” moved too fast for me to get a pic.

Trayvon Related:

IMG_3184IMG_3180IMG_3172IMG_3171TrayvonTrayvon's LawBoycott FloridaIMG_3196

And here’s more, this one being the most artistic we saw:


Glad to see social workers there:


Invoking Dr. King and the last MoW:

IMG_3188IMG_3182MoW redDr. King Wouldn't Vote for CriminalsStill Have a Dream

I’ve always been a fan of DC statehood:


Compassionate and just immigration law is key:


Working against the criminalization of people of color:

IMG_3178End Stop & Frisk

End Racial Profiling

I didn’t even begin to get photos of the MANY unions that were out in force


And so much more…

IMG_3168IMG_3165IMG_3177IMG_3189LiveNat'l Council of Asian Pacific AmericansProtect Voting Rights

And our faith aspiration:
